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Modern Slavery Policy Statement

Organisational Structure

House of Briannia Limited (“HOB”) is a limited liability company registered in England and Wales (registered number 15301806).

HOB is committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chain or any part of our business. We have implemented a slavery and human trafficking policy to ensure that all staff at HOB perform their duties ethically and in line with our expectations. This Policy forms an integral part of the employment contracts of all our staff and ensures that all who work for HOB conform to our zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking.

Supply chain due diligence

We undertake appropriate due diligence on suppliers with whom we engage. All suppliers are expected to implement a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking. We have taken steps within our internal procurement strategy to assess and identify the risk that any of our supply chain may use forced labour:

  • All new potential suppliers are vetted prior to entering a commercial relationship. As part of this due diligence process suppliers are required to confirm that their supply chain is free from human trafficking.

  • We require as far as possible that commercial contracts we enter include a contractual obligation that the supplier is in no way involved in, complicit with or associated with slavery and / or human trafficking.

  • Ongoing due diligence is carried out as part of regular contract renewals.

Internal accountability

We believe that our zero-tolerance approach must extend to the very people who represent our business and brand. For this reason, we have introduced several internal initiatives.

Employment terms

From 17th February 2024, in accepting and signing the terms of their offer of employment, all new staff confirm that they are not personally engaged in or complicit with slavery and / or human trafficking and agree to adhere to our Policy.

All existing staff are asked, on an annual basis, to confirm whether they have any concerns or suspect any breaches of the Modern Slavery Act either within the firm or its supply chain. Any deemed complicity of an employee with slavery and / or human trafficking may invoke the company’s disciplinary procedure and / or termination procedure.


All staff are encouraged to report any instance they deem to be contrary to HOB strict approach to human exploitation. Any person making a report is treated appropriately and pursuant to our whistleblowing policy.

This statement was approved by our board on 17th February 2024.

The Old Mill, Blisworth Hill Farm,
Stoke Road, Blisworth NN7 3DB

©2024 House of Britannia. Registered in England & Wales 15301806